1. When I think of autumn, apple cider often comes to mind.
What is the difference between apple cider and apple juice?
2. How does a black bear prepare for hibernation?
3. Contrary to most flowering plants, Hamamelis virginiana flowers in the fall.
a.What is its common name?
b. How do some people use it?
4. According to this poem, how did a boy become Jack Frost? Look for the link to the poem, in the list, on the left.
5. "Fall" is an example of a homonym. What is a homonym?
Write 2 sentences using a homonym of the word - fall.
6. In late summer and fall, many animals are busy gathering or consuming mast. What is mast?
7. Your school's student council decides to suggest a pumpkin patch as a project and fund raiser. To present the idea to the principal, you need to gather the facts.
Answer the following questions using the facts on this Old Farmer's Almanac site.
a. What kind of site will you need?
b. Pumpkins can be planted in rows or___________________.
c. If you get a lot of vines and flowers in your pumpkin patch, but no
pumpkins--what should you do?
8. Your grandmother lives in Florida. She tells you how she misses the changing color of the leaves in the fall. You gather some brightly colored leaves to send to her. How can you preserve their color?
9. Many animals migrate in autumn. Monarch butterflies migrate, too.
What prompts these insects to migrate?
a. What is that?