1. When was The Outsiders first published?
2. Where was Hinton born? This is supposedly where the novel takes
3. How was she inspired to write The Outsiders?
4. How old was the author when the novel was published?
5. As a result of the novel's popularity, what happened to Hinton?
6. What is the title of her second novel?
7. When was the movie The Outsiders released?
8. Oklahoma is the setting of many of S.E. Hinton's books.
List 5 interesting facts about the state of Oklahoma.
Elvis Presley was a person who the "Greasers" admired. In fact one would say that they based their style on this very famous man.
9. Why do you think that the Greasers enjoyed the music of Elvis
Presley? Do you think he influenced their fashion? Why?
10. What is Elvis Presley also known as?
11. List 3 more interesting facts about Elvis.
The Beatles were the socs' idols. Spend some time looking at the following sites. View a sampling of their videos/songs. Choose some titles that you recognize. You do not have to look at them all, perhaps six or seven would be sufficient.
12. Why do you think that the Socs' loved the Beatles? Watch the following videos. Do you see any fashion trends?
13. Name the four Beatles.
14. What are the titles of two Beatle songs?
At the bar Dallas Dally hangs out at, Hank Williams is playing on the radio. Listen to some of the songs on the website below.
15. What genre of music is this?
16. How many of Williams' songs made the Top 10 of the Billboard Charts?
Paul Newman is a movie star who is mentioned at the beginning of the novel. Although he might seem insignificant (unimportant),he helps put the time period into perspective. Use the website below to answer the following questions.
18. What is Paul most famous for?
19. Click on the "photos" icon in the upper left. Locate and view some of the photographs from Newman's younger years. Why might Ponyboy have idolized him?
20. Identify two characteristics of Will Rogers.
21. Identify the quote Will Rogers most famous for.http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/will-rogers/about-will-rogers/692/
22. Write down two famous quotes from Will Rogers and their meaning.
23. What is a drive-in?
24. What do you think a nightly double or double feature is?
25. How many drive-ins are there close to Anaheim, CA?
26. What are Kools?
27. Why do you think more people smoked in the 1960's?
28. Why did the famous singer Nat King Cole use Kools?
29. What is barrel racing?
30. What was the DX?
31. Why would the Greasers have hung out at the DX?
32. Who wrote Great Expectations? What is it about? Write a 4-5 sentence summary)
(Remember, A Christmas Carol? He wrote that, too!)
33. Identify the author of the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay?"
34. What do you think is the meaning of this poem?
35. Ponyboy reads the novel Gone with the Wind to Johnny. What war is taking place in the novel?